If you have some research that you would like to freely publish on this site, then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Where it all started (after 30 year’s plus of operational service).
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Two PhD’s –
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service.Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
O’Connor, S. (2017). The career, role and occupational identity of watch managers within the modernising agenda of the UK Fire and Rescue Service. Thesis for PhD, University of Kent.
Reports on and with FRServices
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
Report for South Yorks
- Perceptions: what is believed to be true can become true in its consequences
Reports for Northampton
- Triangle of ‘Fire’: Cultural Audit of the RDS
- NorthWest Frontier: A cultural audit for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service
Baigent, D. (2010) Equality problems in Melbourne, Cambridge: Fitting-in
For Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Baigent et al Sunrise Report (2003): training the firefighters of today as the emergency service workers of tomorrow on request
From the Fire Station for all project in Sweden
Baigent, D with Brunzell, L and Granqvist, L. (2012) ‘En brandstation för alla’’, Fire July/August.
Baigent, D. and O’Connor, S. (2011) ‘Fire and Rescue Services: going the extra mile’, Cambridge: Local Government Group. Contact us for a copy of this work
Other Fitting-in contributions
Baigent, D. (2017) Grenfell and the swinging of the pendulum. Fire (October 2017). . “Grenfell and the he pendulum.” FIRE(Otober 2017).
Baigent, D. (2016). Institutional patriarchy, auto-critique and resilience – a comparative gaze. in Masculinities, Gender Eqality and Crisis Management. M. a. M. Ericson, U. Oxford, Routledge.
Baigent, D. (2016). Resisting and accommodating the masculinist gender regime in firefighting. in Men, Masculinities and Disaster. B. P. Elaine Enarson. Oxford, Routledge: 175-185.
FireFit Enhancing the Health, Fitness and Performance of UK Firefighters: an Interim Report Dr AG Siddall, Dr M Standage, Dr KA Stokes and Dr JLJ Bilzon Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY March 2014
Baigent, D. (2014). “A sociologist’s view of ‘Fire Fit’.” FIRE OCTOBER 2014
Baigent, D. (2009) ‘On the right path to a truly professional Service?’ Fire (July): 40-42M
Baigent and O’Connor. (2008). Missing Submission to the C&LG Equality and Diversity Strategy, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Baigent (2008) One Decade on: early release of data on harassment of women in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Baigent, D (2000) A gap worth bridging: a critique of the notion that officer’s gain from their experience of having been firefighter’s
Baigent, D. (2001) Papers developed from a doctorial thesis that provides a considerable description of the fire service and which reveals details that have never before been written down. The main purpose of the thesis is to help the fire service to understand how its structures affect equal opportunities. One finding is that the fire service is institutionally conservative to the extent that the way officers and firefighters defend their organisation will inevitably prevent attempts to provide a diverse workforce,
Baigent, D. (2000) amended 2007 What is masculinity?
Baigent and O’Connor. (2009) ReadRight: an action research project to improve student reading (with an aim to add academic learning to their current experiential style), Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Alphabetical List
Aaron Murphy (2014) The public’s perception of the modern day Fire and Rescue Service.
Ainge, M. (2010) “Desperately Seeking Susan! ” A critical analysis of gender, culture and leadership in a changing environment, Cambridge: Fitting-inBryant, R. Climbing the Fire Service Ladder of Success – A Matter of Perceptions, Dissertation for MBA University of Central Lancashire. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Callerstig, A., Harrison, K. and Lindholm, K. (2009) Gender and the Rescue Services (Genus och Räddningsjänst) – literature review Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Catchpole, M. (2009) Modernisation and identity/masculinity in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Ericson, M (2011) Up Close. Masculinity, Intimacy and Community in Firefighters? Work Teams, dissertation submitted in part requirement for PhD Department of Sociology, University of Gothen-burg. Written in Swedish, summary in English.
Feather, M (2009) How to further cultural change in East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in order to capitalise on the positive benefits of diversity, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hewitt, B. (2008) Analysing performance by preparing a balanced scorecard ready for implementation by the Mid Suffolk District of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hyde (2010) Is the Army a suitable place for Women and Femininity? dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Jacobs (2010) The experience of emergency planning officers, dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kavanagh, G. (2011) Defining the Role of the Fire Gold Commander, Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the degree of MA in Integrated Emergency Management of the University of Bradford, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kehoe, K. (2009) Masculinity, Women and the British Army: How societal conceptions of masculinity affect women in the British Army, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lonergon, L. (2009) Did the Firefighters Strike of 2002 Benefit the Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
McGhee, J. (2011). What impact has the organisation of women’s groups in the Fire Brigades Union had on the participation of women, the culture and the effectiveness of the organisation? Thesis in support of successful MA, London: London Metropolitan University.
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (Swedish)
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (English)
Lewis Three reports by Dr. Sue Lewis for MFB 2004
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Training, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighting, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Neighbour, K. Women in the military, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
O’Connor, S. The Individual In The Fire Service: A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Roberts, H. (2010) ‘Speak up, Speak Out’. The Lived Experiences of Female Firefighters who are also Trade Union Representatives’ dissertation submitted in part requirement of MA in Research Methods, Department of Social Policy Durham University.
Smiley D (2010) Diversity and Positive Action Programs in the UK: Fire, Police and Ambulance. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Rolph, C Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wright, T A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: Cambridge: Fitting-in
Parmah, D. Watch Culture Group Think: a study of the implementation of the EU Equal Treatment Directive in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Johnson, A, Positive action negative effect: study into the negative effects of positive action on minority groups in The British Fire Service
McGuirk, S. Are we serious: a strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Caplen, K Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Ericson, M Equality in the Swedish Fire Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Cunningham, D How (in) effective smoke detectors may be at waking sleeping children, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wood, A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It” , Cambridge: Fitting-in
Singh, J. Making a Difference: a study of under-representation in UK and USA Fire Services, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Azarang Mirkhah, P. E. (1998) Challenges Confronting the Application of Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes, Thesis for Master of Public Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas, .
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1998) Preparing For The Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1999) At The Dawn Of The New Millennium,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (2002) 1947 President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Bethke, E. (2002) Geographic profiling of Peterborough arson cases of 2000 and 2001: preliminary data analysis and manual crime mapping, dissertation for BA (hons) Department of Forensic Science; APU, Cambridge ,
BARBER, G. (2002) What effect does the introduction of a new model of learning into the fire brigade have on the people involved? a reflection,
Boniwell, R. BA (Hons) GIFireE DMgt (2001) Expanding equal opportunities into Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, dissertation for DMgt,
Bonney, J. MBA BA(Hons) AIFireE MIMgt (1995) What Makes for Effective Performance?
Caplen, K (2004) “Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A”
Christian, S. D. (2001) (PhD) A Study to identify the incidence in the United Kingdom of long-term sequelae following exposure to carbon monoxide, Don Christian is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.
Christian, S. D. (2002) Recent actions within Europe in respect of the use of chemical flame-retardant,
Couch, S. (2002) The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century
Cox, I.(2001) Role Call: A comparative study of the purpose and role of Station Commanders in England and in Denmark , dissertation for BCC: The FireService College ,
Cunningham, T. (2003) And the Children Slept: An Independent Investigative study concerning reports of non-arousal by Children to Activated Smoke Detection Alarms and Related Research,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2000) Change Management: a case study of a change programme undertaken by West Sussex Fire Brigade, unpublished dissertation for MBA, University of Brighton ,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2001) Composite materials in modern aircraft: The risk to firefighters,
Dowling, D. MEd MIFireE MIMgt (2002) Human Behaviour: Learned Irrelevance,
Doyle, J. Mphil (1996) The management of improved performance in the fire service, MPhil Thesis, Department of Industrial Technology; University ofBradford
Durkin, J. MSc. BSc. (hons) (2001)Stress who does it affect, reproduced by kind permission of Fire,
Eady, T. (1995) ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ In Fitness Within The Fire Service Workforce,
Ericson Mathias from Sweden writes about eqaulity in the Swedish Fire Service www.fitting-in/c/ericson.pdf and www.fitting-in/c/ericson.htm
Falconer, D. (1999) Churchill Fellowship. Urban Search and Rescue, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University.
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1994) Women firefighters ‘the inequality gap’, dissertation for MBA: The Business School ; University of Hertfordshire ,
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1996) Fire service culture, asset of burden?, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College ,
Jeffs, P (1999) The Winston Churchill Memorial trust NRMA – ACT Road Safety Trust Fellowship 1999 The Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jones, P. (1995) MIFireE Churchill Fellowship Report. Fire Investigation: can the results benefit the community? (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Johnson, Alex. (2004) Positive Action Negative Effect: a study into the negatvie effects of positive action on moinority grouops in The British Fire Service.
Jeans, T. (2001) MA DPhil MInstP CPhys FRSA Visiting Fellow at the Fire Service College provides a note about City and Guilds Awards.
Mankkinen, T. (2001) The nature of work and of work communality of Finnish fire fighters undergoing transition,
Mankkinen, J. (2001) Firefighters’ Career Planning,
Marsden, J. (2000) BSC Full Scale Compartment Fire Tests and the Interaction Between Roof and Sidewall Vents,
Muckett, M. (2000) MBA, MIFireE, MIOSH, DMS (Dist) Mobilising The Community Forging Links, Adding Value: Bringing Volunteers Into The Fire Service To Make Communities Safer, Dissertation For Bcc,
McGuirk, S (2002) Are We Serious A strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document
O’Connor, S. (2006) The Individual In The Fire Service; A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Richards, L. (1996) Firefighting- dousing the flames of equality: a study of the social and physical factors affecting the recruitment of women as firefighters, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College
Rolph, C.(2005) Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University.
Rolph, C. MA (2000) Up the greasy pole, dissertation for MA: Department of business studies APU,
Sargent, V (2002) Cool Guys Who Are Good Guys’: Cultural Representations of Firefighters as Heroes,
Shawcross, V. MA (2001) Fire safety first – Protecting diverse communities from fire: Address by Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) LGA Fire Conference – 28 March 2001,
Singh J. (2002) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: A Study of Under-Representation in UK and USA Fire Services
Tonner (2014) Have changes to UK fire Investigation process affected Fire Services? What affect (if any) has the closure of the Forensic Science Service had to Fire Investigation across the UK? (2015)
Vinton, B. (2002) Topography Training Within The Fire Service: ‘From Visualisation To Total Recall’,
Wigglesworth, A. BSc, MBA, GIFireE. (2001) The fire-fighter gender issue as seen on TV: How likely is it that the televised fire fighter will influence viewers to conclude that firefighting is a male occupation?
Wilsher, P (2002) Equal Opportunities, Sexism and the Fire Service: a critical investigation into under-representation of women within a county fire service, dissertation for BA (hons),
Williams, G. MIFireE, MIMgt, ChFl, CIETecRI. Ostrich crisis management doesn’t work – prepare now!
Wood, L. (2002) A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It, unpublished MSc Sociology by Research; University Of Edinburgh,
Wright, T. (2005) A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service:If you have something you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.Values and culture in fire and rescue services. HMIPFRS
This site is in the course of being rewritten and there is a problem with some files that they are password protected. If this happens to you then contact me and I will send you the file
If you have something you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Our two PhD’s –
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service.Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
O’Connor, S. (2017). The career, role and occupational identity of watch managers within the modernising agenda of the UK Fire and Rescue Service. Thesis for PhD, University of Kent.
Baigent, D. (2017). “Grenfell and the swinging of the pendulum.” FIRE(Otober 2017).
Baigent, D. (2016). Institutional patriarchy, auto-critique and resilience – a comparative gaze. in Masculinities, Gender Eqality and Crisis Management. M. a. M. Ericson, U. Oxford, Routledge.
Baigent, D. (2016). Resisting and accommodating the masculinist gender regime in firefighting. in Men, Masculinities and Disaster. B. P. Elaine Enarson. Oxford, Routledge: 175-185.
Tonner (2014) Have changes to UK fire Investigation process affected Fire Services? What affect (if any) has the closure of the Forensic Science Service had to Fire Investigation across the UK? (2015)
FireFit Enhancing the Health, Fitness and Performance of UK Firefighters: an Interim Report Dr AG Siddall, Dr M Standage, Dr KA Stokes and Dr JLJ Bilzon Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY March 2014
Baigent, D. (2014). “A sociologist’s view of the ‘Fire Fit’.” FIRE OCTOBER 2014
Aaron Murphy (2014) The public’s perception of the modern day Fire and Rescue Service.
Baigent, D with Brunzell, L and Granqvist, L. (2012) ‘En brandstation för alla’’, Fire July/August. Contact us for a copy of this work
Baigent, D. and O’Connor, S. (2011) ‘Fire and Rescue Services: going the extra mile’, Cambridge: Local Government Group. Contact us for a copy of this work
Roberts, H. (2010) ‘Speak up, Speak Out’. The Lived Experiences of Female Firefighters who are also Trade Union Representatives’ dissertation submitted in part requirement of MA in Research Methods, Department of Social Policy Durham University.
Ericson, M (2011) Up Close. Masculinity, Intimacy and Community in Firefighters? Work Teams, dissertation submitted in part requirement for PhD Department of Sociology, University of Gothen-burg. Written in Swedish, summary in English.
McGhee, J. (2011). What impact has the organisation of women’s groups in the Fire Brigades Union had on the participation of women, the culture and the effectiveness of the organisation? Thesis in support of successful MA, London: London Metropolitan University.
Kavanagh, G. (2011) Defining the Role of the Fire Gold Commander, Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the degree of MA in Integrated Emergency Management of the University of Bradford, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hyde (2010) Is the Army a suitable place for Women and Femininity? dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Jacobs (2010) The experience of emergency planning officers, dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
D. Smiley (2010) Diversity and Positive Action Programs in the UK: Fire, Police and Ambulance. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Ainge, M. (2010) “Desperately Seeking Susan! ” A critical analysis of gender, culture and leadership in a changing environment, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. 2010 Equality problems in Melbourne, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2009) ‘On the right path to a truly professional Service?’ Fire (July): 40-42
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (Swedish)
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (English)
Baigent and O’Connor. (2009) ReadRight: an action research project to improve student reading (with an aim to add academic learning to their current experiential style), Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Callerstig, A., Harrison, K. and Lindholm, K. (2009) Gender and the Rescue Services (Genus och Räddningsjänst) – literature review Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Feather, M (2009) How to further cultural change in East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in order to capitalise on the positive benefits of diversity, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Catchpole, M. (2009) Modernisation and identity/masculinity in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kehoe, K. (2009) Masculinity, Women and the British Army: How societal conceptions of masculinity affect women in the British Army, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lonergon, L. (2009) Did the Firefighters Strike of 2002 Benefit the Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Marsh, J. (2009) New Labour, Modernisation and The Fire And Rescue Service,Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hewitt, B. (2008) Analysing performance by preparing a balanced scorecard ready for implementation by the Mid Suffolk District of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent and O’Connor. (2008). Submission to the C&LG Equality and Diversity Strategy, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Baigent (2008) One Decade on: early release of data on harassment of women in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Matt Desmond’s latest book On the FireLine – read the first chapter free.
Baigent, D. One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service,Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
Baigent et al Sunrise Report: training the firefighters of today as the emergency service workers of tomorrow on request
O’Connor, S. The Individual In The Fire Service: A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Neighbour, K. Women in the military, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Bryant, R. Climbing the Fire Service Ladder of Success – A Matter of Perceptions, Dissertation for MBA University of Central Lancashire. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Rolph, C Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wright, T A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: Cambridge: Fitting-in
Couch, S. The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century – Dissertation for Phd Anglia Ruskin University.
Parmah, D. Watch Culture Group Think: a study of the implementation of the EU Equal Treatment Directive in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Training, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighting, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Johnson, A, Positive action negative effect: study into the negative effects of positive action on minority groups in The British Fire Service
McGuirk, S. Are we serious: a strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Caplen, K Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent et al Sunrise: a national report on initial training,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Ericson, M Equality in the Swedish Fire Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Cunningham, D How (in) effective smoke detectors may be at waking sleeping children, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wood, A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It” , Cambridge: Fitting-in
Singh, J. Making a Difference: a study of under-representation in UK and USA Fire Services, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Azarang Mirkhah, P. E. (1998) Challenges Confronting the Application of Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes, Thesis for Master of Public Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas, .
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1998) Preparing For The Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1999) At The Dawn Of The New Millennium,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (2002) 1947 President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; APU Cambridge, on request
Baigent, D (2000) A gap worth bridging: a critique of the notion that officer’s gain from their experience of having been firefighter’s
Baigent, D. (2001) Papers developed from a doctorial thesis that provides a considerable description of the fire service and which reveals details that have never before been written down. The main purpose of the thesis is to help the fire service to understand how its structures affect equal opportunities. One finding is that the fire service is institutionally conservative to the extent that the way officers and firefighters defend their organisation will inevitably prevent attempts to provide a diverse workforce,
Baigent, D. (2000) amended 2007 What is masculinity?
Bethke, E. (2002) Geographic profiling of Peterborough arson cases of 2000 and 2001: preliminary data analysis and manual crime mapping, dissertation for BA (hons) Department of Forensic Science; APU, Cambridge ,
Barber, G. (2002) What effect does the introduction of a new model of learning into the fire brigade have on the people involved? a reflection,
Boniwell, R. BA (Hons) GIFireE DMgt (2001) Expanding equal opportunities into Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, dissertation for DMgt,
Bonney, J. MBA BA(Hons) AIFireE MIMgt (1995) What Makes for Effective Performance?
Caplen, K (2004) “Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A”
Christian, S. D. (2001) (PhD) A Study to identify the incidence in the United Kingdom of long-term sequelae following exposure to carbon monoxide, Don Christian is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.
Christian, S. D. (2002) Recent actions within Europe in respect of the use of chemical flame-retardant,
Couch, S. (2002) The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century
Cox, I.(2001) Role Call: A comparative study of the purpose and role of Station Commanders in England and in Denmark , dissertation for BCC: The FireService College ,
Cunningham, T. (2003) And the Children Slept: An Independent Investigative study concerning reports of non-arousal by Children to Activated Smoke Detection Alarms and Related Research,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2000) Change Management: a case study of a change programme undertaken by West Sussex Fire Brigade, unpublished dissertation for MBA, University of Brighton ,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2001) Composite materials in modern aircraft: The risk to firefighters,
Dowling, D. MEd MIFireE MIMgt (2002) Human Behaviour: Learned Irrelevance,
Doyle, J. Mphil (1996) The management of improved performance in the fire service, MPhil Thesis, Department of Industrial Technology; University ofBradford
Durkin, J. MSc. BSc. (hons) (2001)Stress who does it affect, reproduced by kind permission of Fire,
Eady, T. (1995) ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ In Fitness Within The Fire Service Workforce,
Ericson Mathias from Sweden writes about eqaulity in the Swedish Fire Service www.fitting-in/c/ericson.pdf and www.fitting-in/c/ericson.htm
Falconer, D. (1999) Churchill Fellowship. Urban Search and Rescue, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University.
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1994) Women firefighters ‘the inequality gap’, dissertation for MBA: The Business School ; University of Hertfordshire ,
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1996) Fire service culture, asset of burden?, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College ,
Jeffs, P (1999) The Winston Churchill Memorial trust NRMA – ACT Road Safety Trust Fellowship 1999 The Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jones, P. (1995) MIFireE Churchill Fellowship Report. Fire Investigation: can the results benefit the community? (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Johnson, Alex. (2004) Positive Action Negative Effect: a study into the negatvie effects of positive action on moinority grouops in The British Fire Service.
Jeans, T. (2001) MA DPhil MInstP CPhys FRSA Visiting Fellow at the Fire Service College provides a note about City and Guilds Awards.
Mankkinen, T. (2001) The nature of work and of work communality of Finnish fire fighters undergoing transition,
Mankkinen, J. (2001) Firefighters’ Career Planning,
Marsden, J. (2000) BSC Full Scale Compartment Fire Tests and the Interaction Between Roof and Sidewall Vents,
Muckett, M. (2000) MBA, MIFireE, MIOSH, DMS (Dist) Mobilising The Community Forging Links, Adding Value: Bringing Volunteers Into The Fire Service To Make Communities Safer, Dissertation For Bcc,
McGuirk, S (2002) Are We Serious A strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document
O’Connor, S. (2006) The Individual In The Fire Service; A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Richards, L. (1996) Firefighting- dousing the flames of equality: a study of the social and physical factors affecting the recruitment of women as firefighters, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College
Rolph, C.(2005) Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University.
Rolph, C. MA (2000) Up the greasy pole, dissertation for MA: Department of business studies APU,
Sargent, V (2002) Cool Guys Who Are Good Guys’: Cultural Representations of Firefighters as Heroes,
Shawcross, V. MA (2001) Fire safety first – Protecting diverse communities from fire: Address by Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) LGA Fire Conference – 28 March 2001,
Singh J. (2002) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: A Study of Under-Representation in UK and USA Fire Services
Vinton, B. (2002) Topography Training Within The Fire Service: ‘From Visualisation To Total Recall’,
Wigglesworth, A. BSc, MBA, GIFireE. (2001) The fire-fighter gender issue as seen on TV: How likely is it that the televised fire fighter will influence viewers to conclude that firefighting is a male occupation?
Wilsher, P (2002) Equal Opportunities, Sexism and the Fire Service: a critical investigation into under-representation of women within a county fire service, dissertation for BA (hons),
Williams, G. MIFireE, MIMgt, ChFl, CIETecRI. Ostrich crisis management doesn’t work – prepare now!
Wood, L. (2002) A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It, unpublished MSc Sociology by Research; University Of Edinburgh,
Wright, T. (2005) A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: can Sarah and Dave help?
We are passionate about helping the Fire and Rescue Service. Dave is a Fellow of FireE with over 30 year’s operational experience of the fire service, supported by 20 years researching and lecturing in the fire service and academia.
Dave’s Phd One more last working class hero provided the basis for him and Sarah to work with a number of fire services.
write, validate and lead the delivery of the first Public Service Degree in the UK; and to establish the first university social science research unit working directly with the fire service (this received a very successful inspection by the QAA).
Sarah’s PhD on fire service management is a unique piece of work that is evidence based and has much to add to the debate about modern fire service management. Sarah’s thesis sits alongside Dave’s, which introduced the process known as ‘fitting-in’, which ex[lains how fire service culture is inherrently linked to masculinity and is handed down from generation to generation.
Rather than deliver our research at arm’s length, We leave the ivory tower behind and bring academic debates and real insight into fire service culture/s in a series of hands-on focused workshops.
Benefits :
• Flexible short sharp package aimed at producing results
• Following a proven academic path of intense delivery and focussed debate
• A real hands-on educational package aimed at results and transformation
• Advice that can be strategically and systematically evidenced
• Offers a day-out for management teams to think strategically
• Academic led, and rigorously produced in a fire service context
• Research based
• A transparent and auditable product
The objective – to seek informed answers to the thorny questions that managers’ face on the ground. Your organisation also benefits from the added value of putting your top teams together in a in a supportive environment aimed at achieving outcomes. Sarah O’Connor, researcher and lecturer, will assist me in facilitating focussed input and debate.The agenda is yours; when can I come and talk to you about how my ideas may fit-in with yours?Ring on 07802 495 329 or email.
Dr Dave Baigent GiFireE, BA Honours, PhD.get Dave Baigent’s and Sarah O’Connor’s CV and read some comments by people we have worked for
If you have some work that you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Where it all started
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Two PhD’s –
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service.Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
O’Connor, S. (2017). The career, role and occupational identity of watch managers within the modernising agenda of the UK Fire and Rescue Service. Thesis for PhD, University of Kent.
Current Reports on public service culture
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
Report from South Yorks
Reports from Northampton
Other Fitting-in contributions followed by other submitted contributions
Baigent, D. (2017). “Grenfell and the swinging of the pendulum.” FIRE(Otober 2017).
Baigent, D. (2016). Institutional patriarchy, auto-critique and resilience – a comparative gaze. in Masculinities, Gender Eqality and Crisis Management. M. a. M. Ericson, U. Oxford, Routledge.
Baigent, D. (2016). Resisting and accommodating the masculinist gender regime in firefighting. in Men, Masculinities and Disaster. B. P. Elaine Enarson. Oxford, Routledge: 175-185.
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
FireFit Enhancing the Health, Fitness and Performance of UK Firefighters: an Interim Report Dr AG Siddall, Dr M Standage, Dr KA Stokes and Dr JLJ Bilzon Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY March 2014
Baigent, D. (2014). “A sociologist’s view of ‘Fire Fit’.” FIRE OCTOBER 2014
Baigent, D. (2010) Equality problems in Melbourne, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2009) ‘On the right path to a truly professional Service?’ Fire (July): 40-42M
Baigent and O’Connor. (2008). Missing Submission to the C&LG Equality and Diversity Strategy, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Baigent (2008) One Decade on: early release of data on harassment of women in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service,Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
Baigent et al Sunrise Report (2003): training the firefighters of today as the emergency service workers of tomorrow on request
Baigent, D with Brunzell, L and Granqvist, L. (2012) ‘En brandstation för alla’’, Fire July/August.
Baigent, D. and O’Connor, S. (2011) ‘Fire and Rescue Services: going the extra mile’, Cambridge: Local Government Group. Contact us for a copy of this work
Baigent and O’Connor. (2009) ReadRight: an action research project to improve student reading (with an aim to add academic learning to their current experiential style), Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Alphabetical List
Aaron Murphy (2014) The public’s perception of the modern day Fire and Rescue Service.
Ainge, M. (2010) “Desperately Seeking Susan! ” A critical analysis of gender, culture and leadership in a changing environment, Cambridge: Fitting-inBryant, R. Climbing the Fire Service Ladder of Success – A Matter of Perceptions, Dissertation for MBA University of Central Lancashire. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Callerstig, A., Harrison, K. and Lindholm, K. (2009) Gender and the Rescue Services (Genus och Räddningsjänst) – literature review Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Catchpole, M. (2009) Modernisation and identity/masculinity in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Ericson, M (2011) Up Close. Masculinity, Intimacy and Community in Firefighters? Work Teams, dissertation submitted in part requirement for PhD Department of Sociology, University of Gothen-burg. Written in Swedish, summary in English.
Feather, M (2009) How to further cultural change in East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in order to capitalise on the positive benefits of diversity, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hewitt, B. (2008) Analysing performance by preparing a balanced scorecard ready for implementation by the Mid Suffolk District of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hyde (2010) Is the Army a suitable place for Women and Femininity? dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Jacobs (2010) The experience of emergency planning officers, dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kavanagh, G. (2011) Defining the Role of the Fire Gold Commander, Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the degree of MA in Integrated Emergency Management of the University of Bradford, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kehoe, K. (2009) Masculinity, Women and the British Army: How societal conceptions of masculinity affect women in the British Army, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lonergon, L. (2009) Did the Firefighters Strike of 2002 Benefit the Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
McGhee, J. (2011). What impact has the organisation of women’s groups in the Fire Brigades Union had on the participation of women, the culture and the effectiveness of the organisation? Thesis in support of successful MA, London: London Metropolitan University.
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (Swedish)
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (English)
Lewis Three reports by Dr. Sue Lewis for MFB 2004
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Training, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighting, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Neighbour, K. Women in the military, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
O’Connor, S. The Individual In The Fire Service: A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Roberts, H. (2010) ‘Speak up, Speak Out’. The Lived Experiences of Female Firefighters who are also Trade Union Representatives’ dissertation submitted in part requirement of MA in Research Methods, Department of Social Policy Durham University.
Smiley D (2010) Diversity and Positive Action Programs in the UK: Fire, Police and Ambulance. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Rolph, C Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wright, T A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: Cambridge: Fitting-in
Parmah, D. Watch Culture Group Think: a study of the implementation of the EU Equal Treatment Directive in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Johnson, A, Positive action negative effect: study into the negative effects of positive action on minority groups in The British Fire Service
McGuirk, S. Are we serious: a strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Caplen, K Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Ericson, M Equality in the Swedish Fire Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Cunningham, D How (in) effective smoke detectors may be at waking sleeping children, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wood, A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It” , Cambridge: Fitting-in
Singh, J. Making a Difference: a study of under-representation in UK and USA Fire Services, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Azarang Mirkhah, P. E. (1998) Challenges Confronting the Application of Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes, Thesis for Master of Public Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas, .
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1998) Preparing For The Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1999) At The Dawn Of The New Millennium,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (2002) 1947 President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; APU Cambridge, on request
Baigent, D (2000) A gap worth bridging: a critique of the notion that officer’s gain from their experience of having been firefighter’s
Baigent, D. (2001) Papers developed from a doctorial thesis that provides a considerable description of the fire service and which reveals details that have never before been written down. The main purpose of the thesis is to help the fire service to understand how its structures affect equal opportunities. One finding is that the fire service is institutionally conservative to the extent that the way officers and firefighters defend their organisation will inevitably prevent attempts to provide a diverse workforce,
Baigent, D. (2000) amended 2007 What is masculinity?
Bethke, E. (2002) Geographic profiling of Peterborough arson cases of 2000 and 2001: preliminary data analysis and manual crime mapping, dissertation for BA (hons) Department of Forensic Science; APU, Cambridge ,
BARBER, G. (2002) What effect does the introduction of a new model of learning into the fire brigade have on the people involved? a reflection,
Boniwell, R. BA (Hons) GIFireE DMgt (2001) Expanding equal opportunities into Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, dissertation for DMgt,
Bonney, J. MBA BA(Hons) AIFireE MIMgt (1995) What Makes for Effective Performance?
Caplen, K (2004) “Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A”
Christian, S. D. (2001) (PhD) A Study to identify the incidence in the United Kingdom of long-term sequelae following exposure to carbon monoxide, Don Christian is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.
Christian, S. D. (2002) Recent actions within Europe in respect of the use of chemical flame-retardant,
Couch, S. (2002) The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century
Cox, I.(2001) Role Call: A comparative study of the purpose and role of Station Commanders in England and in Denmark , dissertation for BCC: The FireService College ,
Cunningham, T. (2003) And the Children Slept: An Independent Investigative study concerning reports of non-arousal by Children to Activated Smoke Detection Alarms and Related Research,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2000) Change Management: a case study of a change programme undertaken by West Sussex Fire Brigade, unpublished dissertation for MBA, University of Brighton ,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2001) Composite materials in modern aircraft: The risk to firefighters,
Dowling, D. MEd MIFireE MIMgt (2002) Human Behaviour: Learned Irrelevance,
Doyle, J. Mphil (1996) The management of improved performance in the fire service, MPhil Thesis, Department of Industrial Technology; University ofBradford
Durkin, J. MSc. BSc. (hons) (2001)Stress who does it affect, reproduced by kind permission of Fire,
Eady, T. (1995) ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ In Fitness Within The Fire Service Workforce,
Ericson Mathias from Sweden writes about eqaulity in the Swedish Fire Service www.fitting-in/c/ericson.pdf and www.fitting-in/c/ericson.htm
Falconer, D. (1999) Churchill Fellowship. Urban Search and Rescue, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University.
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1994) Women firefighters ‘the inequality gap’, dissertation for MBA: The Business School ; University of Hertfordshire ,
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1996) Fire service culture, asset of burden?, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College ,
Jeffs, P (1999) The Winston Churchill Memorial trust NRMA – ACT Road Safety Trust Fellowship 1999 The Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jones, P. (1995) MIFireE Churchill Fellowship Report. Fire Investigation: can the results benefit the community? (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Johnson, Alex. (2004) Positive Action Negative Effect: a study into the negatvie effects of positive action on moinority grouops in The British Fire Service.
Jeans, T. (2001) MA DPhil MInstP CPhys FRSA Visiting Fellow at the Fire Service College provides a note about City and Guilds Awards.
Mankkinen, T. (2001) The nature of work and of work communality of Finnish fire fighters undergoing transition,
Mankkinen, J. (2001) Firefighters’ Career Planning,
Marsden, J. (2000) BSC Full Scale Compartment Fire Tests and the Interaction Between Roof and Sidewall Vents,
Muckett, M. (2000) MBA, MIFireE, MIOSH, DMS (Dist) Mobilising The Community Forging Links, Adding Value: Bringing Volunteers Into The Fire Service To Make Communities Safer, Dissertation For Bcc,
McGuirk, S (2002) Are We Serious A strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document
O’Connor, S. (2006) The Individual In The Fire Service; A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Richards, L. (1996) Firefighting- dousing the flames of equality: a study of the social and physical factors affecting the recruitment of women as firefighters, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College
Rolph, C.(2005) Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University.
Rolph, C. MA (2000) Up the greasy pole, dissertation for MA: Department of business studies APU,
Sargent, V (2002) Cool Guys Who Are Good Guys’: Cultural Representations of Firefighters as Heroes,
Shawcross, V. MA (2001) Fire safety first – Protecting diverse communities from fire: Address by Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) LGA Fire Conference – 28 March 2001,
Singh J. (2002) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: A Study of Under-Representation in UK and USA Fire Services
Tonner (2014) Have changes to UK fire Investigation process affected Fire Services? What affect (if any) has the closure of the Forensic Science Service had to Fire Investigation across the UK? (2015)
Vinton, B. (2002) Topography Training Within The Fire Service: ‘From Visualisation To Total Recall’,
Wigglesworth, A. BSc, MBA, GIFireE. (2001) The fire-fighter gender issue as seen on TV: How likely is it that the televised fire fighter will influence viewers to conclude that firefighting is a male occupation?
Wilsher, P (2002) Equal Opportunities, Sexism and the Fire Service: a critical investigation into under-representation of women within a county fire service, dissertation for BA (hons),
Williams, G. MIFireE, MIMgt, ChFl, CIETecRI. Ostrich crisis management doesn’t work – prepare now!
Wood, L. (2002) A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It, unpublished MSc Sociology by Research; University Of Edinburgh,
Wright, T. (2005) A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service:If you have something you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.

If you have some work that you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Where it all started
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Two PhD’s –
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service.Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
O’Connor, S. (2017). The career, role and occupational identity of watch managers within the modernising agenda of the UK Fire and Rescue Service. Thesis for PhD, University of Kent.
Current Reports on public service culture
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
Report from South Yorks
Reports from Northampton
Other Fitting-in contributions followed by other submitted contributions
Baigent, D. (2017). “Grenfell and the swinging of the pendulum.” FIRE(Otober 2017).
Baigent, D. (2016). Institutional patriarchy, auto-critique and resilience – a comparative gaze. in Masculinities, Gender Eqality and Crisis Management. M. a. M. Ericson, U. Oxford, Routledge.
Baigent, D. (2016). Resisting and accommodating the masculinist gender regime in firefighting. in Men, Masculinities and Disaster. B. P. Elaine Enarson. Oxford, Routledge: 175-185.
FireFit Enhancing the Health, Fitness and Performance of UK Firefighters: an Interim Report Dr AG Siddall, Dr M Standage, Dr KA Stokes and Dr JLJ Bilzon Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY March 2014
Baigent, D. (2014). “A sociologist’s view of ‘Fire Fit’.” FIRE OCTOBER 2014
Baigent, D. (2010) Equality problems in Melbourne, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2009) ‘On the right path to a truly professional Service?’ Fire (July): 40-42M
Baigent and O’Connor. (2008). Missing Submission to the C&LG Equality and Diversity Strategy, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Baigent (2008) One Decade on: early release of data on harassment of women in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service,Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
Baigent et al Sunrise Report (2003): training the firefighters of today as the emergency service workers of tomorrow on request
Baigent, D with Brunzell, L and Granqvist, L. (2012) ‘En brandstation för alla’’, Fire July/August.
Baigent, D. and O’Connor, S. (2011) ‘Fire and Rescue Services: going the extra mile’, Cambridge: Local Government Group. Contact us for a copy of this work
Baigent and O’Connor. (2009) ReadRight: an action research project to improve student reading (with an aim to add academic learning to their current experiential style), Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Alphabetical List
Aaron Murphy (2014) The public’s perception of the modern day Fire and Rescue Service.
Ainge, M. (2010) “Desperately Seeking Susan! ” A critical analysis of gender, culture and leadership in a changing environment, Cambridge: Fitting-inBryant, R. Climbing the Fire Service Ladder of Success – A Matter of Perceptions, Dissertation for MBA University of Central Lancashire. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Callerstig, A., Harrison, K. and Lindholm, K. (2009) Gender and the Rescue Services (Genus och Räddningsjänst) – literature review Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Catchpole, M. (2009) Modernisation and identity/masculinity in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Ericson, M (2011) Up Close. Masculinity, Intimacy and Community in Firefighters? Work Teams, dissertation submitted in part requirement for PhD Department of Sociology, University of Gothen-burg. Written in Swedish, summary in English.
Feather, M (2009) How to further cultural change in East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in order to capitalise on the positive benefits of diversity, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hewitt, B. (2008) Analysing performance by preparing a balanced scorecard ready for implementation by the Mid Suffolk District of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hyde (2010) Is the Army a suitable place for Women and Femininity? dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Jacobs (2010) The experience of emergency planning officers, dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kavanagh, G. (2011) Defining the Role of the Fire Gold Commander, Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the degree of MA in Integrated Emergency Management of the University of Bradford, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kehoe, K. (2009) Masculinity, Women and the British Army: How societal conceptions of masculinity affect women in the British Army, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lonergon, L. (2009) Did the Firefighters Strike of 2002 Benefit the Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
McGhee, J. (2011). What impact has the organisation of women’s groups in the Fire Brigades Union had on the participation of women, the culture and the effectiveness of the organisation? Thesis in support of successful MA, London: London Metropolitan University.
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (Swedish)
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (English)
Lewis Three reports by Dr. Sue Lewis for MFB 2004
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Training, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighting, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Neighbour, K. Women in the military, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
O’Connor, S. The Individual In The Fire Service: A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Roberts, H. (2010) ‘Speak up, Speak Out’. The Lived Experiences of Female Firefighters who are also Trade Union Representatives’ dissertation submitted in part requirement of MA in Research Methods, Department of Social Policy Durham University.
Smiley D (2010) Diversity and Positive Action Programs in the UK: Fire, Police and Ambulance. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Rolph, C Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wright, T A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: Cambridge: Fitting-in
Parmah, D. Watch Culture Group Think: a study of the implementation of the EU Equal Treatment Directive in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Johnson, A, Positive action negative effect: study into the negative effects of positive action on minority groups in The British Fire Service
McGuirk, S. Are we serious: a strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Caplen, K Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Ericson, M Equality in the Swedish Fire Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Cunningham, D How (in) effective smoke detectors may be at waking sleeping children, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wood, A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It” , Cambridge: Fitting-in
Singh, J. Making a Difference: a study of under-representation in UK and USA Fire Services, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Azarang Mirkhah, P. E. (1998) Challenges Confronting the Application of Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes, Thesis for Master of Public Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas, .
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1998) Preparing For The Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1999) At The Dawn Of The New Millennium,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (2002) 1947 President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; APU Cambridge, on request
Baigent, D (2000) A gap worth bridging: a critique of the notion that officer’s gain from their experience of having been firefighter’s
Baigent, D. (2001) Papers developed from a doctorial thesis that provides a considerable description of the fire service and which reveals details that have never before been written down. The main purpose of the thesis is to help the fire service to understand how its structures affect equal opportunities. One finding is that the fire service is institutionally conservative to the extent that the way officers and firefighters defend their organisation will inevitably prevent attempts to provide a diverse workforce,
Baigent, D. (2000) amended 2007 What is masculinity?
Bethke, E. (2002) Geographic profiling of Peterborough arson cases of 2000 and 2001: preliminary data analysis and manual crime mapping, dissertation for BA (hons) Department of Forensic Science; APU, Cambridge ,
BARBER, G. (2002) What effect does the introduction of a new model of learning into the fire brigade have on the people involved? a reflection,
Boniwell, R. BA (Hons) GIFireE DMgt (2001) Expanding equal opportunities into Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, dissertation for DMgt,
Bonney, J. MBA BA(Hons) AIFireE MIMgt (1995) What Makes for Effective Performance?
Caplen, K (2004) “Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A”
Christian, S. D. (2001) (PhD) A Study to identify the incidence in the United Kingdom of long-term sequelae following exposure to carbon monoxide, Don Christian is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.
Christian, S. D. (2002) Recent actions within Europe in respect of the use of chemical flame-retardant,
Couch, S. (2002) The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century
Cox, I.(2001) Role Call: A comparative study of the purpose and role of Station Commanders in England and in Denmark , dissertation for BCC: The FireService College ,
Cunningham, T. (2003) And the Children Slept: An Independent Investigative study concerning reports of non-arousal by Children to Activated Smoke Detection Alarms and Related Research,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2000) Change Management: a case study of a change programme undertaken by West Sussex Fire Brigade, unpublished dissertation for MBA, University of Brighton ,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2001) Composite materials in modern aircraft: The risk to firefighters,
Dowling, D. MEd MIFireE MIMgt (2002) Human Behaviour: Learned Irrelevance,
Doyle, J. Mphil (1996) The management of improved performance in the fire service, MPhil Thesis, Department of Industrial Technology; University ofBradford
Durkin, J. MSc. BSc. (hons) (2001)Stress who does it affect, reproduced by kind permission of Fire,
Eady, T. (1995) ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ In Fitness Within The Fire Service Workforce,
Ericson Mathias from Sweden writes about eqaulity in the Swedish Fire Service www.fitting-in/c/ericson.pdf and www.fitting-in/c/ericson.htm
Falconer, D. (1999) Churchill Fellowship. Urban Search and Rescue, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University.
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1994) Women firefighters ‘the inequality gap’, dissertation for MBA: The Business School ; University of Hertfordshire ,
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1996) Fire service culture, asset of burden?, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College ,
Jeffs, P (1999) The Winston Churchill Memorial trust NRMA – ACT Road Safety Trust Fellowship 1999 The Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jones, P. (1995) MIFireE Churchill Fellowship Report. Fire Investigation: can the results benefit the community? (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Johnson, Alex. (2004) Positive Action Negative Effect: a study into the negatvie effects of positive action on moinority grouops in The British Fire Service.
Jeans, T. (2001) MA DPhil MInstP CPhys FRSA Visiting Fellow at the Fire Service College provides a note about City and Guilds Awards.
Mankkinen, T. (2001) The nature of work and of work communality of Finnish fire fighters undergoing transition,
Mankkinen, J. (2001) Firefighters’ Career Planning,
Marsden, J. (2000) BSC Full Scale Compartment Fire Tests and the Interaction Between Roof and Sidewall Vents,
Muckett, M. (2000) MBA, MIFireE, MIOSH, DMS (Dist) Mobilising The Community Forging Links, Adding Value: Bringing Volunteers Into The Fire Service To Make Communities Safer, Dissertation For Bcc,
McGuirk, S (2002) Are We Serious A strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document
O’Connor, S. (2006) The Individual In The Fire Service; A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Richards, L. (1996) Firefighting- dousing the flames of equality: a study of the social and physical factors affecting the recruitment of women as firefighters, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College
Rolph, C.(2005) Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University.
Rolph, C. MA (2000) Up the greasy pole, dissertation for MA: Department of business studies APU,
Sargent, V (2002) Cool Guys Who Are Good Guys’: Cultural Representations of Firefighters as Heroes,
Shawcross, V. MA (2001) Fire safety first – Protecting diverse communities from fire: Address by Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) LGA Fire Conference – 28 March 2001,
Singh J. (2002) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: A Study of Under-Representation in UK and USA Fire Services
Tonner (2014) Have changes to UK fire Investigation process affected Fire Services? What affect (if any) has the closure of the Forensic Science Service had to Fire Investigation across the UK? (2015)
Vinton, B. (2002) Topography Training Within The Fire Service: ‘From Visualisation To Total Recall’,
Wigglesworth, A. BSc, MBA, GIFireE. (2001) The fire-fighter gender issue as seen on TV: How likely is it that the televised fire fighter will influence viewers to conclude that firefighting is a male occupation?
Wilsher, P (2002) Equal Opportunities, Sexism and the Fire Service: a critical investigation into under-representation of women within a county fire service, dissertation for BA (hons),
Williams, G. MIFireE, MIMgt, ChFl, CIETecRI. Ostrich crisis management doesn’t work – prepare now!
Wood, L. (2002) A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It, unpublished MSc Sociology by Research; University Of Edinburgh,
Wright, T. (2005) A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service:If you have something you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
If you have some work that you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Where it all started
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Two PhD’s –
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service.Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
O’Connor, S. (2017). The career, role and occupational identity of watch managers within the modernising agenda of the UK Fire and Rescue Service. Thesis for PhD, University of Kent.
Reports on our work on UK Fire Services
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
Report from South Yorks
Reports from Northampton
Other Fitting-in contributions followed by other submitted contributions
Baigent, D. (2017). “Grenfell and the swinging of the pendulum.” FIRE(Otober 2017).
Baigent, D. (2016). Institutional patriarchy, auto-critique and resilience – a comparative gaze. in Masculinities, Gender Eqality and Crisis Management. M. a. M. Ericson, U. Oxford, Routledge.
Baigent, D. (2016). Resisting and accommodating the masculinist gender regime in firefighting. in Men, Masculinities and Disaster. B. P. Elaine Enarson. Oxford, Routledge: 175-185.
Ethos – The three reports for Merseyside FRS
- Ethos
- Ethos 2
- Ethos 3
FireFit Enhancing the Health, Fitness and Performance of UK Firefighters: an Interim Report Dr AG Siddall, Dr M Standage, Dr KA Stokes and Dr JLJ Bilzon Department for Health, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY March 2014
Baigent, D. (2014). “A sociologist’s view of ‘Fire Fit’.” FIRE OCTOBER 2014
Baigent, D. (2010) Equality problems in Melbourne, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2009) ‘On the right path to a truly professional Service?’ Fire (July): 40-42M
Baigent and O’Connor. (2008). Missing Submission to the C&LG Equality and Diversity Strategy, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Baigent (2008) One Decade on: early release of data on harassment of women in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; ARU Cambridge
Baigent, D. (2001) One more last working class hero: a cultural audit of the UK Fire Service,Thesis for Phd Anglia Ruskin University (adapted) with footnotes or alternatively with endnotes, Cambridge: Fitting-in Available
Baigent et al Sunrise Report (2003): training the firefighters of today as the emergency service workers of tomorrow on request
Baigent, D with Brunzell, L and Granqvist, L. (2012) ‘En brandstation för alla’’, Fire July/August.
Baigent, D. and O’Connor, S. (2011) ‘Fire and Rescue Services: going the extra mile’, Cambridge: Local Government Group. Contact us for a copy of this work
Baigent and O’Connor. (2009) ReadRight: an action research project to improve student reading (with an aim to add academic learning to their current experiential style), Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Alphabetical List
Aaron Murphy (2014) The public’s perception of the modern day Fire and Rescue Service.
Ainge, M. (2010) “Desperately Seeking Susan! ” A critical analysis of gender, culture and leadership in a changing environment, Cambridge: Fitting-inBryant, R. Climbing the Fire Service Ladder of Success – A Matter of Perceptions, Dissertation for MBA University of Central Lancashire. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Callerstig, A., Harrison, K. and Lindholm, K. (2009) Gender and the Rescue Services (Genus och Räddningsjänst) – literature review Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Catchpole, M. (2009) Modernisation and identity/masculinity in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Ericson, M (2011) Up Close. Masculinity, Intimacy and Community in Firefighters? Work Teams, dissertation submitted in part requirement for PhD Department of Sociology, University of Gothen-burg. Written in Swedish, summary in English.
Feather, M (2009) How to further cultural change in East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service in order to capitalise on the positive benefits of diversity, Cambridge: Fitting-in.
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hewitt, B. (2008) Analysing performance by preparing a balanced scorecard ready for implementation by the Mid Suffolk District of Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Hyde (2010) Is the Army a suitable place for Women and Femininity? dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Jacobs (2010) The experience of emergency planning officers, dissertation in support of Public Service BA Honours, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kavanagh, G. (2011) Defining the Role of the Fire Gold Commander, Dissertation submitted in part requirement for the degree of MA in Integrated Emergency Management of the University of Bradford, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Kehoe, K. (2009) Masculinity, Women and the British Army: How societal conceptions of masculinity affect women in the British Army, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Lonergon, L. (2009) Did the Firefighters Strike of 2002 Benefit the Fire and Rescue Service, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. Cambridge: Fitting-in
McGhee, J. (2011). What impact has the organisation of women’s groups in the Fire Brigades Union had on the participation of women, the culture and the effectiveness of the organisation? Thesis in support of successful MA, London: London Metropolitan University.
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (Swedish)
Moln-Teike, J. (2009) Risk Communications with non Swedish speakers (English)
Lewis Three reports by Dr. Sue Lewis for MFB 2004
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Selection and Recruitment, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighter Training, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
- Lewis. S. Gender and Firefighting, Melbourne Fire and Rescue Service and Swinburne University, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Neighbour, K. Women in the military, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Cambridge: Fitting-in
O’Connor, S. The Individual In The Fire Service: A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, Dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.
Roberts, H. (2010) ‘Speak up, Speak Out’. The Lived Experiences of Female Firefighters who are also Trade Union Representatives’ dissertation submitted in part requirement of MA in Research Methods, Department of Social Policy Durham University.
Smiley D (2010) Diversity and Positive Action Programs in the UK: Fire, Police and Ambulance. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Rolph, C Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University. Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wright, T A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service: Cambridge: Fitting-in
Parmah, D. Watch Culture Group Think: a study of the implementation of the EU Equal Treatment Directive in the UK Fire and Rescue Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Johnson, A, Positive action negative effect: study into the negative effects of positive action on minority groups in The British Fire Service
McGuirk, S. Are we serious: a strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document,Cambridge: Fitting-in
Caplen, K Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Baigent, D. (2003) The first fourteen weeks: a cultural audit of initial training in a major training centre
Ericson, M Equality in the Swedish Fire Service, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Cunningham, D How (in) effective smoke detectors may be at waking sleeping children, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Wood, A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It” , Cambridge: Fitting-in
Singh, J. Making a Difference: a study of under-representation in UK and USA Fire Services, Cambridge: Fitting-in
Azarang Mirkhah, P. E. (1998) Challenges Confronting the Application of Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes, Thesis for Master of Public Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas, .
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1998) Preparing For The Performance Based Fire & Life Safety Codes,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (1999) At The Dawn Of The New Millennium,
Azarang Mirkhah, P.E. (2002) 1947 President’s Conference on Fire Prevention
Baigent, D. (1996) Who rings the bell? A gender study looking at the British Fire Service, its firefighters and equal opportunities, dissertation for BA (hons): Department of Sociology and Politics; APU Cambridge, on request
Baigent, D (2000) A gap worth bridging: a critique of the notion that officer’s gain from their experience of having been firefighter’s
Baigent, D. (2001) Papers developed from a doctorial thesis that provides a considerable description of the fire service and which reveals details that have never before been written down. The main purpose of the thesis is to help the fire service to understand how its structures affect equal opportunities. One finding is that the fire service is institutionally conservative to the extent that the way officers and firefighters defend their organisation will inevitably prevent attempts to provide a diverse workforce,
Baigent, D. (2000) amended 2007 What is masculinity?
Bethke, E. (2002) Geographic profiling of Peterborough arson cases of 2000 and 2001: preliminary data analysis and manual crime mapping, dissertation for BA (hons) Department of Forensic Science; APU, Cambridge ,
BARBER, G. (2002) What effect does the introduction of a new model of learning into the fire brigade have on the people involved? a reflection,
Boniwell, R. BA (Hons) GIFireE DMgt (2001) Expanding equal opportunities into Dorset Fire and Rescue Service, dissertation for DMgt,
Bonney, J. MBA BA(Hons) AIFireE MIMgt (1995) What Makes for Effective Performance?
Caplen, K (2004) “Women Firefighters: Comparing and contrasting recent employment experiences in the U.K. and the U.S.A”
Christian, S. D. (2001) (PhD) A Study to identify the incidence in the United Kingdom of long-term sequelae following exposure to carbon monoxide, Don Christian is a Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster.
Christian, S. D. (2002) Recent actions within Europe in respect of the use of chemical flame-retardant,
Couch, S. (2002) The Relevance of Traditional Leadership Paradigms for the Essex Fire and Rescue Service in the 21st Century
Cox, I.(2001) Role Call: A comparative study of the purpose and role of Station Commanders in England and in Denmark , dissertation for BCC: The FireService College ,
Cunningham, T. (2003) And the Children Slept: An Independent Investigative study concerning reports of non-arousal by Children to Activated Smoke Detection Alarms and Related Research,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2000) Change Management: a case study of a change programme undertaken by West Sussex Fire Brigade, unpublished dissertation for MBA, University of Brighton ,
Day, G. MBA MIFireE (2001) Composite materials in modern aircraft: The risk to firefighters,
Dowling, D. MEd MIFireE MIMgt (2002) Human Behaviour: Learned Irrelevance,
Doyle, J. Mphil (1996) The management of improved performance in the fire service, MPhil Thesis, Department of Industrial Technology; University ofBradford
Durkin, J. MSc. BSc. (hons) (2001)Stress who does it affect, reproduced by kind permission of Fire,
Eady, T. (1995) ‘Mid-Life Crisis’ In Fitness Within The Fire Service Workforce,
Ericson Mathias from Sweden writes about eqaulity in the Swedish Fire Service www.fitting-in/c/ericson.pdf and www.fitting-in/c/ericson.htm
Falconer, D. (1999) Churchill Fellowship. Urban Search and Rescue, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jon Fisher. Developing Strategic Capability: The County Fire and Rescue Service is in need of a training strategy, would the model adopted by the County Police give the service a strategy fit for the modernised Fire Service , Dissertation for an MBA Brighton University.
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1994) Women firefighters ‘the inequality gap’, dissertation for MBA: The Business School ; University of Hertfordshire ,
Howell, M. MBA MCGI MIFireE (1996) Fire service culture, asset of burden?, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College ,
Jeffs, P (1999) The Winston Churchill Memorial trust NRMA – ACT Road Safety Trust Fellowship 1999 The Management and Transport of Hazardous Materials, (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Jones, P. (1995) MIFireE Churchill Fellowship Report. Fire Investigation: can the results benefit the community? (this is a large pdf file give it time to download)
Johnson, Alex. (2004) Positive Action Negative Effect: a study into the negatvie effects of positive action on moinority grouops in The British Fire Service.
Jeans, T. (2001) MA DPhil MInstP CPhys FRSA Visiting Fellow at the Fire Service College provides a note about City and Guilds Awards.
Mankkinen, T. (2001) The nature of work and of work communality of Finnish fire fighters undergoing transition,
Mankkinen, J. (2001) Firefighters’ Career Planning,
Marsden, J. (2000) BSC Full Scale Compartment Fire Tests and the Interaction Between Roof and Sidewall Vents,
Muckett, M. (2000) MBA, MIFireE, MIOSH, DMS (Dist) Mobilising The Community Forging Links, Adding Value: Bringing Volunteers Into The Fire Service To Make Communities Safer, Dissertation For Bcc,
McGuirk, S (2002) Are We Serious A strategic approach to long term equality and diversity in the UK Fire Service. A discussion document
O’Connor, S. (2006) The Individual In The Fire Service; A study of the changing context of the white male heterosexual firefighter in the fire service, exploring gender, culture new forms of institutional control and effects on self-identity, dissertation for BA Honours in Public Service Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Richards, L. (1996) Firefighting- dousing the flames of equality: a study of the social and physical factors affecting the recruitment of women as firefighters, dissertation for BCC: Moreton in Marsh: The Fire Service College
Rolph, C.(2005) Design or Default: An analysis of the role Strategic Human Resource Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service.Management plays in modernising the Fire & Rescue Service, Dissertation for MA Kingston Business School Kingston University.
Rolph, C. MA (2000) Up the greasy pole, dissertation for MA: Department of business studies APU,
Sargent, V (2002) Cool Guys Who Are Good Guys’: Cultural Representations of Firefighters as Heroes,
Shawcross, V. MA (2001) Fire safety first – Protecting diverse communities from fire: Address by Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) LGA Fire Conference – 28 March 2001,
Singh J. (2002) MAKING A DIFFERENCE: A Study of Under-Representation in UK and USA Fire Services
Tonner (2014) Have changes to UK fire Investigation process affected Fire Services? What affect (if any) has the closure of the Forensic Science Service had to Fire Investigation across the UK? (2015)
Vinton, B. (2002) Topography Training Within The Fire Service: ‘From Visualisation To Total Recall’,
Wigglesworth, A. BSc, MBA, GIFireE. (2001) The fire-fighter gender issue as seen on TV: How likely is it that the televised fire fighter will influence viewers to conclude that firefighting is a male occupation?
Wilsher, P (2002) Equal Opportunities, Sexism and the Fire Service: a critical investigation into under-representation of women within a county fire service, dissertation for BA (hons),
Williams, G. MIFireE, MIMgt, ChFl, CIETecRI. Ostrich crisis management doesn’t work – prepare now!
Wood, L. (2002) A Sociological Exploration of the Occupational Culture of the Fire Service and Women’s Place Within It, unpublished MSc Sociology by Research; University Of Edinburgh,
Wright, T. (2005) A comparison of the experiences of lesbians and heterosexual women in a non-traditionally female occupation, the fire service:If you have something you would like to freely publish on this site then please contact us.
If you need any help with some research or writing then contact us. This is a totally free service.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.